Wedding Trends I Love & Hope Stay

Now I know all too well that in the wedding world, wedding trends come and go pretty quickly or they become a tradition that never fades. After years of experiencing this first hand, I have come to truly love a few trends that I hope become traditions! There are many aspects to a wedding that can be personalized and allow you freedom to have fun and be true to your wishes. From ceremony exits, dessert options, reception locations and more, there really are no two weddings alike!

Getting Ready Together

The morning of your wedding is typically a bit chaotic, but in a good way! You are usually surrounded by your friends or bridal party, and the energy of the day ahead has everyone bustling! While many times this is considered traditional, I have now photographed a few smaller weddings and elopements where the couple chose to get ready together, and let me tell you it is pure magic. The calmness in the air, the love in all the small touches, and the shared connection of getting dressed before your special day is something so special. 

Private Vows

The heartbeat of the wedding day, the reason everyone gathered, and your chance to look your lover in the eyes and tell them how much they mean to you. Many people are curious whether they want to read their vows or not, and if they are hesitant it is typically because they are a bit apprehensive to do it in front of a large crowd. Here are a few reasons I absolutely adore private vow readings. 

Intimacy: Private vow readings allow the couple to share their personal feelings and commitments with each other in an intimate setting, without the pressure or distraction of a larger audience.

Authenticity: Without the need to perform for others, couples can speak from the heart and express themselves more authentically. This can create a deeper sense of connection between partners and a more meaningful experience overall.

Privacy: Some couples may prefer to keep their vows private out of personal preference or cultural traditions. Private vow readings can offer a way for couples to honor their privacy while still sharing their love and commitment with each other.

While some may still wish to read them in front of their loved ones, a private reading allows for a moment together before the energy of the day to come together and ground in such a loving way.

Bubble Exits

As you enjoy your big day together with your boo thing and friends and family, sometimes the last moment you wish to share gets overlooked in the hustle and bustle of planning. In years past, many times you would see the newlyweds exit in a fancy car, cans attached to the bumper, riding off to their honeymoon. Fast forward a bit, there are endless ways to exit your party in a grand way. Cue the BUBBLES. Unlike traditional rice or confetti exits, bubbles are completely eco-friendly and won’t leave a mess behind. But the best part, in my opinion, is the sheer joy and excitement that bubbles bring. It’s impossible not to feel happy and giddy when you’re surrounded by a sea of floating bubbles. And that’s exactly the kind of feeling you want at a wedding – a celebration of love and happiness. Not to mention the photos turn out extraordinary! 

Private Last Dances

When all is said and done and the cake is cut, the grandparents have left, and the beer bottles are empty, you may find yourselves wishing for one last dance. A dance for the two of you to soak in the entire day just reminiscing on the whirlwind of fun you just had and the memories made. I highly recommend scheduling one final dance, letting your photographer know ahead of time too, so you can enjoy your venue and essence of what just was, in the peace and quiet of your lover’s presence. This is such a romantic and memorable moment to catch on camera, and truly makes my heart melt every time. I guarantee it feels like the times you dance in the kitchen together, just this time in a wedding dress and tux. 

May all trends and traditions bring joy to those who lean into them! Every wedding is a compilation of wishes and desires wrapped into a love story unfolding. Do what you love, and the rest will fall into place perfectly!

xo, kailee rose

April 28, 2023

Portfolio, Resources, Weddings

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